Record Debt Collector Calls - Delete Bad Credit

We as consumers want to be treated fairly in every aspect of life, and we deserve respect even if we fall behind on some areas of life which includes being sent to collections in some cases. The FDCPA or Fair Debt Collectors Practice Act was established to control, Telephone Recorders, the abusive and unlawful practices of collection agencies.

If we are not aware of our rights these collection agencies can take advantage of us in order to get a debt paid quicker, and they do this lots of times without going through the proper procedures for collecting on a debt,, Telephone Recorders, which leaves them in violation of the FDCPA.

Consumers are, Telephone Recorders, unaware of many violations of collection agencies, but if in doubt you are welcome to contact the Federal Trade Commission for details and to file complaints.

One weapon we do have is the right to record debt collector calls. I have found in my own experiences with collection agencies that a telephone recording of a collection call or any call that you think you and your rights will be violated is very, very powerful. Your right in most states as a consumer to be able to record possible wrong doing or bad business practices can be powerful leverage to get accounts written off and DELETED from your credit reports, and in some cases file a law suit for damages and violations.

A list of some collection agency violations are below, Telephone Recorders, . Collections agencies CANNOT!

1. Make false statements in order to get you to pay a bill.

2. Make threats that they will have you put in jail if you do not pay a bill.
3. Say they will garnish your wages or put a lean on your property when they are really not.
4. Talk to someone else about your account other than your spouse without your consent.
5. Act as an attorney as a form of scare tactics.
6. Deposit a post dated check before the date agreed upon.
7. Call you collect or send any paperwork that resembles a court document.

Collection agencies can, Telephone Recorders, be sued for up to $1000 per violation, so if they violated 10 areas of the FDCPA that could mean $10,000 dollars for you. Most states in the US require only 1 party consent to record conversations, and that one party can be you knowing of your own recording, and the party on the other line does not have to know of the recording if you choose not to tell them.

This is some very powerful leverage when disputing collection accounts and potentially getting your credit, Telephone Recorders, report clear of collection accounts in violation of your rights.

If a recording is ever taken by you of any collection agency violations make the office manager aware of this and let them know you know your rights and see what they are going to do to remedy this. If you can not settle it between you and the business seek legal action against the collection agency.

Protect yourself as a consumer and keep your credit in good standing, seek good credit repair help as needed and be aware of your rights that recording conversations in most states is legal. Check your state laws on recordings before considering them, and seek out a good digital mp3 player with recording mic which can be used with a speaker phone on your cell phone and you can also purchase a cell phone with, Telephone Recorders, a recording function, and home phone recording systems also can be set up for these purposes. Stay up to date on your rights and state laws and let's protect ourselves from unlawful collection practices that are going on everyday.

I hope the tips and information have been a big help to you. I have been in credit repair for over 10 years and have even worked as a collector for close to 3 years. You can get major credit repair assistance and loans for most any situation at