What is a Spoof Call?

Simply put, a spoof phone call is where the person initiating the call uses a service to cause the recipients caller ID to display a name and number that the caller chooses. There are several web based companies that offer, Telephone Recorders Products, caller ID spoofing services for a small fee.SpoofCard is one company that provides services to change your caller ID, along with their other services, on a calling card, charged by the minute. Their other services include voice changing, and call recording.

After purchasing a SpoofCard PIN, the person simply dials an 866 number, inputs the phone number they are calling from, the number they are calling, the caller ID to display, and the call is immediately made, with the spoofed caller ID displayed on the recipients phone.Caller ID spoofing is legal in the U.S. at this point, so anyone can purchase the services of SpoofCard for a nominal price. The person called will never know the real number of the person calling, it won't even be displayed on their phone bill, but accurate records of all calls made using a SpoofCard are kept, but will be kept very private.

The services offered are perfectly legal in most cases, as long as you aren't using the service to defraud or misrepresent yourself, fraud, Telephone Recorders Products, is a major concern, and SpoofCard will cooperate with law enforcement in cases of fraud. Most states don't allow recording of calls, without the announcement that a recording is being made, so check with your locality to determine the legality of the actions you are engaging in.If you are wondering "Why would anyone need to spoof their caller ID?

" There are many legal uses of spoofing a number. Perhaps a doctor isn't in the office, but needs to make a call from their cell that they want to appear came from their office, or a telemarketing firm that wants only one number to be displayed when a call is made from their call center. I could go on, but you this should help you understand some of the legal uses with these examples.Spoofing can be done on just about any mobile or landline phone all over the world, excepting numbers like 911, and certain numbers related to law enforcement and security related institutions.

As a bonus, the number triggers the phone registry and if the number has a registered name associated with it, the names will be displayed. The same numbers will be reflected on the telephone records, and no one will be the wiser.

To learn more about the SpoofCard or learn where to buy them visit SpoofRod.com.