BEYOND EBOOKS - 10 Powerful Alternative Infoproduct Formats Part2 of 2

Continuing where we left off in the first part of our goal ofdifferentiating how you deliver your information to get moresales at higher profits.Here is the last 5 alteratives to eBooks that will put moremoney in your pockets.6. Audio Interviews One of the key disadvantages of eBooks, newsletter, specialreports, etc... is that they are non-interactive. Many peoplelearn better by hearing examples, discovering information in aninteractive setting. Get someone to interview you about yourtopic and record it.

You can record the interview over thephone, in person or by using a third-party conference service.Once again, you can offer your information via recordedinterview for a premium over what you would charge in eBookformat.7. For-pay Newsletter If you have experience, knowledge, contacts, or any otherconstant value you can add to a specific target market, then afor-pay newsletter can be an excellent source of income. Manyestablished newsletter publishers - even those with just a fewthousand subscribers, are converting to a beefier "for-pay"model.

Even if they only convert 500 to subscribers at $47/year,that's $23,500 revenue PLUS the ability to market products tothat group AND collect renewals over the years. One example of atop quality,, Telephone Recorders Products, for-pay newsletter is Jonathan Mizel's Pay Members-Only Web Site An alternative to a "for pay" newsletter is a "for pay" privatewebsite. Here you can provide various forms of content andservices to your customers in exchange for a monthly, quarterlyor yearly membership fee.

What would you provide as content?Here are some examples: Articles you write, results of research you conductperiodically, survey results, news updates from various sources,case studies or success stories, interviews, digital audiofiles, private newsletter, private discussion board ornetworking board, quality products at a discount or free,discounted services you provide through joint venturepartnerships, etc... One of the best membership sites I havecome across on the topic of online marketing is Terry Dean'sNetbreakthrough's site found at: http://www. Seminars Your topic may lend itself to conducting bi-weekly or monthlyseminars to local audiences. Perhaps you have tips on how topurchase a new home - you could run tareted ads or partner withbuilders in your area to run a bi-weekly seminar in a rentedroom. Maybe you were a manager of customer service in the travelindustry - you could develop a seminar on top-rated customersupport tips for the travel industry and market these to hoteloperators, as well as other tourist companies.

Online seminarsare hot, but don't underestimate the power of personal seminarsto both make immediate income as well as gather high-qualityleads for other products or services you offer, Telephone Recorders Products, .10 Product Bundles Bundle different product formats to add even more value to youroffering without increase the cost. For instance, say you havewritten an eBook on travelling to your favorite city. Translatethat into an audio product or audio interview by simply talkinginto a microphone into your computer or via telephone recordedinto your computer and capture that via a relatively inexpensiverecording software such as n-tracks (shareware).

Where youreBook may only sell at $17-$27, the bundled product may get you$47-$67 or more...with very little added cost. Bundling can be ahighly effective technique to squeeze 3-4 times more profit outof your content. If you are considering developing your own eBook on a specifictopic, then consider these other options first. If you alreadyhave your own eBook, then consider these other options to pulladditional profit from your content.Turn your information product development business into multiplestreams of income.

That's truly making a PROFIT from yourknowledge.