Exposing Metro One's subsibriary company INFONE for what the Company is about: (1) providing service, and help to one entity: themselves.

Michelle Vernier was given a number, 1-888-411-1111 by her Mother, who'd never given her bad advice. Her Mother even fell prey to their false advertising technique on Infone's television commercials. Her Mother knew Michelle was going out of town and wanted her to be supplied with protection in case she was to become lost. On 10/22/03,Michelle's friend and herself, Tom Jennette, arrived via a map in New Jersey around 11:30 PM that night. Her Mom had explained that Infone only cost $ 89 cents a minute with up to 15 minutes for a call to obtain, Telephone Recorders Products, directions, the consumer was given 5 free calls, and that there were no sign-up fees or commitments.

Michelle called the number which she'd programmed into her cell phone. She was asked for her credit card number (which made her leery because of their sign-up commitments and fee agreement) but she proceeded to give it, since they were both exhausted. At that point they only wanted to arrive at their destination. The first operator, Telephone Recorders Products, kept her on hold much longer than 15 minutes. The directions, in which she had which specifically informed the operator, where she was located, where wrong.

Lost again, she called back. She did this 4 times. Same occurrence every single time: placed on hold for a long period then asked for her credit card number.After over 2 hours of driving around in a very shady area past midnight her friend and her asked a police officer they'd spotted on the street for directions. His directions were precise and took less than 3 minutes to provide. She proceeded to cancel the service to make sure there would be no charges incurred. The company representative online, a Michael Coe, wrote her back addressing her as a Mrs.

Morton. Hint one: Michelle is single. Then he went on to state her credits would be applied. She knew legally 4 calls constituted couldn't being charged, so what where the credits for? He had the audacity to leave a telephone number to return his call which was not toll free: (503) 524-1223 or this number belonged to the next customer service representative, she'd dealt with Nancy Palacious, Account Manager. She was bewildered at their lack of competence at this point. She wrote Michelle back apologizing on Michael Coe's behalf then lending a silly excuse.

She wrote that it was confirmed that her account had been terminated.Yet their advertising campaign states there is no sign up fees or commitments. She was ignorant as to what had to be terminated. Michelle did research on the internet into Infone because she deeply knew that this company is putting innocent peoples' lives in potential life or death situations. But she did think that if the bottom level was implemented properly it was a visionary idea and philanthropic. She found out that the โ€œmastermindโ€ behind Infone is a Tim Timmons, CEO of both Infone and Metro One, not an easy person to locate, and discovered: Infone, LLC at 11200 Murray Scholls Place, Beaverton, Oregon 97007 along with the headquarters phone number: (800) 933-4034.

She phoned Timmons and first spoke with his administrative assistance Linda. Next she spoke with the Company's COO, a Gary Henry. She explained the situation and how the company was being operated at the bottom level, how it needed to be improved,that she'd felt it was a humanitarian endeavor, plus a company with a huge profit potential if carried out properly. She told him if Tim was not aware of this situation the company was begging for a Class Action Lawsuit and complete bankruptcy. This corporate professional, Garry, had the immaturity to yell like a maniac at a customer concerned offering free advice, โ€œI am not allowing you to speak to Tim now!

โ€ and hung up. That's when she was fully aware of the fact that she had to pursue this dark predicament, that they're placing innocent lives on the line via this offer purely for their own greed, and arrogance. This Gary's callousness was beyond comprehension. She has all of the written out directions given by their 4 operators in writing. All her telephone records from these calls. All their e-mails saved. A witness in Tom Jennette, who had spoken with the operator on the phone. On December 6th, 2003 she wrote to Ralph Nader's Citizen Watch Organization and was referred to the Trial Lawyers For Public Justice.

They didn't take the case on the claim because of lack of funds. They encouraged her to pursue the case though. One would reason this would be an ultimate case for their organization affiliated with Mr. Nader to take on, if all the organization's lip service was truthful. She then assumed there must be far too much PAC money floating around to different individuals, corporations, and governments over this Company which claims to be the 4th largest telecommunications company in the world.Michelle went to the White House web site and made telephone calls regarding this issue (of which she has records of), and they told her to contact the FCC, and the IFCC and gave her their telephone numbers: 1-877-382-4357 and 1-888-225-5322.

Yet decided it would be a foolish choice to call the government and explain the situation to them when they're being highly likely to be heavily funded by that company and numerous others. She assumed they wouldn't help. She also has a copy of the letter that the Trial Lawyers for Public Justice wrote back and the letter she had written them. Someone in the future, or maybe many people will be in situations where they need directions and are given horrible directions by this company and a life/lives will be lost.

It is not legally sufficient for her friend to file suit, since he had not been a signed up via a credit card member, so Michelle is requesting that others, at least one come forward, with any problems they have endured over the usage of this number, as well as an attorney that is idealistic and ballsy enough to take on this case full throttle. It is a complete travesty of justice. She is willing to testify to make certain a life is not lost because of their negligence. She asks that two other people are equally willing to take a stand for justice and ethics.