List-building: Help Others To Help Yourself

One great way to build a super list in a hurry is by doing free teleseminars. People call in and hear a competent guest speaker talk about something that's important to the people who sign up. And every one who does sign up becomes part of your list.

The interview shouldn't be pure sales pitch. Nobody wants to call in (often long-distance) just to hear something about the next wonderful info product or whatever. They want to learn something. Then, at the end of the call, you might mention something about your guest's product and how terrific it is and give them your affiliate link to, Telephone Recorders, go and buy it. If they enjoyed the speaker and want to learn more, they'll buy. So, aside from building your list, you're also making a profit.

Just be sure that your affiliate link is something easy to remember. Put your squeeze page for the product into a new directory. To do that, log into your server, navigate to your main folder, which is usually something like "public_html," and then, create a new folder.

Upload your squeeze page to that folder and then rename it "index." The URL to that page will be http://yourdomain/whatever. If your domain is and you want to create a folder for one of my products, let's say MyFirstList, you might, Telephone Recorders, name the link"myfirstlist" and your URL would be: . The point is to make the URL something people can remember easily, even if they can't write it down.

Doing a free interview to promote someone else's product is always going to be easier to set up, too. Call up and say, "I'd like to promote your product. Here's what I've got. I've got a list of this many, but I'm talking to these 10 other people. They've all already agreed to do interviews with me, but we're switching the format around a little bit so we can be focused on helping you to sell your stuff instead of helping me to sell my stuff. How does that sound to you?" They'll say, "That sounds good.


Then, Telephone Recorders, you just go ahead and do it. When you do, you build your list. They send out to their list.

They go and they join on your main page. You send out to your list. You get people to opt in for the teleseminar, bam! Then you do another the one next week.

It's simple.

Setting up a free telephone recording service, Telephone Recorders, is easy.

There are several out there, Telephone Recorders, now. Just search for "teleseminars." You can pay for service, if you find you need more bells and whistles.

Be sure to record the interview. Then, you can have printed transcripts made and use them in many different ways--in a blog, in articles, or by packaging them and selling them again as an ebook, and on and on. There are many ways to profit from teleseminars.

But the best thing about them is that they help to build your list. Imagine, Telephone Recorders, inviting someone to your teleseminar who has a list of 100,000 people.

If only one percent sign up for the teleseminar, that's 1,000 people you added to your list from one call. Not all of them will come to the teleseminar, though. People like to think they'll be there, but sometimes things happen and they find they can't be, Telephone Recorders, there.

But you'll still have them on your list.

Teleseminars are great list builders, but they have incredible potential after they're all over. Just be sure you have something of value to offer listeners. Otherwise, they won't come back. Still, if you master this technique, you'll find it was worth your while to learn it.